101. Early Child Development: Pandemic Impact and Reasons for Hope with Dr. Colleen Kraft

Welcome back to Pediatric Meltdown today we are joined by Dr. Colleen Kraft. Dr. Colleen, the past president of the AAP 2018 and offers an overview of the impact the pandemic has had on child development including safety and security, nutrition, physical health, educational opportunities, and responsive caregiving. These are the pillars that make up the WHO Nurturing Care Framework. Dr. Kraft takes us beyond assessing the damage and instead focuses on the strengths that still stand. She makes the analogy of a house on fire. The house is burnt to the ground, but the foundations remain. Let’s build from that. Rooms were damaged, but the house still stands nearly whole. Let’s repair and rebuild. The home was filled with smoke, but the fire was extinguished. Let’s clean away the soot and repaint. This analogy reminds us of the power of hope and action. As clinicians, we can help families see the possibilities and we can connect them to resources. We can also advocate for an educational reframe that supports college and academics and vocational paths. We need a society that embraces all skills and opportunities. In closing, Dr. Kraft reminds us that we are the child experts and that our voices matter.


Colleen A. Kraft, MD, MBA, FAAP is the Senior Medical Director for Clinical Adoption at Cognoa, a digital medical device company designing products to address the unmet developmental and behavioral health needs of children. Dr. Kraft served as the 2018 President of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Her background includes work in primary care pediatrics, pediatric education, and health care financing. Dr. Kraft received her undergraduate degree at Virginia Tech and her M.D. from Virginia Commonwealth University, and her MBA from the University of Cincinnati. She completed her residency in Pediatrics at Virginia Commonwealth University.




[00:29 – 08:47] Pediatrician Colleen Craft Shares Her Vision for the Future of Pediatrics

  • Dr. Colleen Kraft is a pediatrician and the senior medical director for clinical adoption at Cognoa.
  • She has been a pediatrician for 34 years and served as the 2018 president of the American academy of pediatrics.
  • Her journey into pediatrics drew her to work with families and children, promoting their optimal physical, developmental, and psychosocial health.
  • She is also an advocate for pediatricians and all the work that we can do on behalf of kids.


[08:47 – 16:51] Virtual Reality Therapy for Phobias

  • The world health organization promotes the nurturing care framework, which focuses on five pillars of early childhood development: adequate nutrition, safety and security, opportunities for early learning, and healthy relationships.
  • During the pandemic, safety and security for children were disrupted by the death of adults and the displacement of secure bonds with parents.
  • Housing insecurity was a major problem during the pandemic.


[16:51 – 24:36] Children Suffered from Cognitive and Motor Developmental Deficits during the Pandemic

  • There is a disruption in various aspects of children’s lives during the pandemic, including their safety, health, and early learning opportunities.
  • the importance of responsive and caring adults in providing nurturing care for young children, and notes that this was particularly disrupted during the pandemic.
  • The negative effects that virtual learning can have on children, and notes that this is particularly true for those with disabilities or who are struggling with attention span.


[24:36 – 36:28] Resilience is Built on Relationships

  • Pediatricians need to start with the basics and focus on relationships with kids to help them rebuild their resilience.
  • Schools can play a role in helping kids rebuild their resilience by assessing their strengths and promoting vocational skills based on what kids want to do.
  • Adults need to remember that they are valuable and that their skillset does not just include academics


[36:29 – 43:02] Closing Segment

  • Connect with Dr. Colleen Kraft,
  • See links below.
  • Takeaways from Dr. Colleen Kraft’s inspiring talk on pediatric advocacy
  1. A huge thank you to Dr. Colleen Kraft who’s an inspiring pediatrician advocate and leader.
  2. The world health organization and UNICEF created the nurturing care framework to guide and support healthy child growth and development.
  3. The pillars of the nurturing care framework. Adequate nutrition, good health, safety, and security, responsive caregiving, and early childhood learning opportunities
  4. COVID was the great disruptor. 
  5. Good health.
  6. What about adequate nutrition? This translates into food insecurity under and overnutrition.
  7. Educational opportunities missed. There was loss of early education and intervention contact with teachers and other students.
  8. Responsive adults and caregiving. 
  9. How do we dig out? Dr. Kraft shared this beautiful analogy and metaphor of a house on fire.
  10. It’s time for a reset, maybe education. The way we do that needs to change. It’s not just about testing and sending kids to college.
  11. Work from where the child is right now.
  12. We can shift the focus to the possibilities for each child and family and offer hope.
  13. Dr. Craft’s advice. Your career as a resident will not be your forever career and get involved in organizations outside your office.
  14. Don’t forget that, each of you is a child expert and that your voice matters.
  • Final Words 



Tweetable Quotes

“Our responsibility is starting again with the basics. Understand that resilience is built on relationships. And first and foremost, it’s a connection with that one parent or grandparent or teacher or coach or consistent caring adult that can provide that solid platform for social development.” – Dr. Colleen Kraft

“Start with the fact that you are intact and that you still can have. A good time and a positive relationship with your child.” – Dr. Colleen Kraft

Connect with Dr. Colleen Kraft through Facebook and LinkedIn


Pediatric Meltdown was listed as a Top 20 Pediatric Podcast on FeedSpot.

If you’d like to connect with me, you can find me on LinkedInFacebook, Instagram, and Twitter, or email me at [email protected] or [email protected]. To learn more about me visit https://www.medicalbhs.com/

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Dr Lia Gaggino

Dr. Lia Gaggino has worked as a pediatrician for over 30 years on the west side of Michigan. During her career as a primary care physician, she has been privileged to care for children and adolescents, and know that their success is closely tied to mental wellness.

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Dr. Lia Gaggino has worked as a pediatrician for over 30 years on the west side of Michigan. During her career as a primary care physician, she has been privileged to care for children and adolescents, and know that their success is closely tied to mental wellness.

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