111. Health is a Human Right: Why Are We Falling Behind?

Why is the U.S. falling behind in healthcare and what can we do to change the narrative?  In this episode, Dr. Gaggino talks to the author of “Who Shall We Let Die”, Dr. Koye Oyerinde. As a Public Health/Global Health Expert, Dr. Oyerinde has had a major role in strengthening health systems for the delivery of Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health services in low and middle-income countries. Listen in as Dr. Gaggino and Dr. Oyerinde have a frank discussion about the current state of healthcare in the U.S.

According to the World Health Statistics 2022:

“The Billion target will not be reached by 2023, and progress is less than 1/4 of that required to reach the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030”

[00:33 -10:42] Opening Segment

  • Dr. Gaggino introduces us to Dr. Koye Oyerinde
  • It was inevitable that Dr. Oyerinde would become a doctor since he spent so much time in hospitals when he was a child.
  • What is a “Go Fund Me Health System”?

[10:43- 25:29]  Human Rights Abuse

  • Top Executive compensations are in competition with our healthcare..
  • Too many programs without coordination between any of them 
  • Do the American Indians, the UK and Canada have a healthcare system that the US should duplicate? 
  • The mindset of today’s healthcare stems from a long held tradition

[25:30 -30:53] Global Health section of the AAP

  • AAP is able to influence other countries by sending US based experts to initiate better practices
  • The US can be proud of the work we do well, but we need to be humble about the work we don’t do well. 
  • If members of the AAP are interested in Global Health, there are opportunities to join the Global Health section 

[30:54 – 36:20]  Closing segment Takeaway


You can reach Dr. Koye Oyerinde

Website:  www.drkoyeoyerinde.com

Twitter: @DrKoyeOyerinde


Dr. Oyerinde’s Book

“Who Shall We Let Die”


Discounted copies are also available upon request at www.drkoyeoyerinde.com (contact tab)


 American Association of Pediatrics

“67​,000 pediatricians committed to the optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults”


For current Data and Stats

Check out the World Health Organization


Other episodes you may like:

Episode #46

Moral Dilemmas: Where Medicine and Ethics Meet


Key quotes for Twitter:

“Top Executive compensations are in competition with our healthcare… Koye Oyerinde

“Healthcare is a human right”..  Koye Oyerinde



Pediatric Meltdown was listed as a Top 20 Pediatric Podcast on FeedSpot.

If you’d like to connect with me, you can find me on LinkedInFacebook, Instagram, and Twitter, or email me at [email protected] or [email protected]. To learn more about me visit https://www.medicalbhs.com/

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Dr Lia Gaggino

Dr Lia Gaggino Host of the Pediatric Meltdown Podcast

Dr. Lia Gaggino has worked as a pediatrician for over 30 years on the west side of Michigan. During her career as a primary care physician, she has been privileged to care for children and adolescents, and know that their success is closely tied to mental wellness.

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Dr. Lia Gaggino has worked as a pediatrician for over 30 years on the west side of Michigan. During her career as a primary care physician, she has been privileged to care for children and adolescents, and know that their success is closely tied to mental wellness.

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