143. Moral Injury and Well-being: Channeling Mr Rogers

Psychological safety is crucial and cannot be undervalued in the continuing and challenging process of addressing physician burnout and prioritizing well-being. Dr. Gaggino’s guest, Karen Horneffer-Ginter, PhD, discusses how organizations and institutions can start to acknowledge and deal with the systemic problems causing burnout by creating a space where clinicians can openly express concerns without fear of retaliation or condemnation. Individuals must prioritize their own self-care and wellness in addition to organizational and institutional reforms. Karen Horneffer-Ginter believes It’s time to change the way healthcare is perceived and to value the humanity of people who care for others. Yes, burnout is a complex problem that calls for all hands-on deck. And Dr. Lia Gaggino and Karen Horneffer-Ginter will explore the concept of promoting a “safe-place culture” and the concept that clinicians can and should work towards creating an environment where everyone thrives and feels valued.

[00:33 -13:55] The Evolving Landscape of Wellness and Well-being in Healthcare

  • Recognizing the Neglected Importance of Mental Health in Medicine
  • Wellness vs. Well-Being: Exploring the Nuances and Evolving Definitions in Healthcare  
  • Adapting Language for Genuine Conversations: Addressing Burnout, Moral Injury, and Beyond
  • Personalizing Wellness: Moving Beyond Individual Responsibility and Addressing Organizational Interventions

[13:56- 25:06] Challenges in Maintaining Boundaries and Well-being in Healthcare

  • Healthcare professionals find themselves sacrificing their own well-being, time, and personal needs to attend to the needs of others, going above and beyond their duties.
  • A distinction between work and personal life can be facilitated through rituals, similar to Mr. Rogers taking off his jacket and putting on his sweater.
  • healthcare providers MUST regularly check in with themselves, assess their own well-being, and acknowledge their vulnerabilities.   
  • Healthcare professionals are often in a mindset of providing help rather than seeking it, which can hinder their own self-assessment and well-being.

[25:07 -39:20]  Organizational Interventions and Advocacy for Well-being

  • Profit: The need to ensure financial sustainability and keep the lights on in the business of medicine.
  • Wellness: healthcare professionals taking care of their own well-being and finding a balance between personal and professional life.  
  • Organizational interventions: Call centers, hospitalist services, and neonatal nurse practitioners could address workload and provide support.
  • Documentation and electronic health records: Dealing with the challenges and demands associated with electronic records and finding ways to improve efficiency and reduce administrative burdens.

[39:21- 49:53]  The Importance of Self-Care and Support

  • Prioritizing personal needs and seeking professional help when necessary
  • Overcoming the stigma of seeking for professional help
  • Taking intentional breaks from the work-related responsibilities with apps, family time, alone time, etc.
  • Scheduling time for restorative activities and unplugging

[49:54 – 54:36]  Closing segment Takeaway


You can reach Karen Horneffer-Ginter

Linked In:  @Karen Horneffer-Ginter


Links to resources mentioned on the show

From Triple to Quadruple Aim:


Tait Shanafelt:

Physician Burnout:  contributors, consequences and solutions https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/joim.12752


Full Cup, Thirsty Spirit –



Stanley Brown Safety Plan:

Not designed for wellness planning but an interesting outline to consider when under duress:


Other episodes you may like:

Ep 135

Physician Wellness: Find Your One Thing.


Ep 116

Physician Wellness Coaching: Proven Benefit!


Key quotes for Twitter:

“I think the sort of “well-being” term is an attempt to engage in a more nuanced conversation and have it be genuine and have it be something where we really are engaged at looking at authentic changes.”… Karen Horneffer-Ginter, PhD on The Evolution of Wellness Terminology


“I always had interest in the mind body connection, sort of like the mind body medicine, mind body spirit medicine. And so I think medical education was sort of the obvious path to end up on because of the intersection of looking at mental, emotional health and physical health.”… Karen Horneffer-Ginter, PhD



Pediatric Meltdown was listed as a Top 20 Pediatric Podcast on FeedSpot.

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Dr Lia Gaggino

Dr Lia Gaggino Host of the Pediatric Meltdown Podcast

Dr. Lia Gaggino has worked as a pediatrician for over 30 years on the west side of Michigan. During her career as a primary care physician, she has been privileged to care for children and adolescents, and know that their success is closely tied to mental wellness.

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Dr. Lia Gaggino has worked as a pediatrician for over 30 years on the west side of Michigan. During her career as a primary care physician, she has been privileged to care for children and adolescents, and know that their success is closely tied to mental wellness.

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