41. Parenting Styles: Cool Dad, Anxious Moms

Welcome to Pediatric Meltdown! I’m your host, Dr. Lia Gaggino. Today, I’m welcoming both of my daughters Elyse and Julia and they’re going to be talking about parenting styles; their dad’s and mine.

I just thought it might be fun to hear from an adult “kid’s” perspective what it’s like growing up in a household when Mom’s a doctor and dad is way more fun. My husband has gotten us through the ups and downs of parenting. And I really couldn’t have done it without him. So this podcast is really a tribute to him. And this conversation with my daughters was just really fun! So sit back and enjoy.

I hope it’s something light and that you’ll find something you can relate to.

[01:55] A Fun Chat with Elyse, Julia and Dr. Lia on Childhood Memories

  • Walking through Elyse and Julia’s lives and what it was like parenting them from birth to toddler years 
  • Elyse and Julia share fun things about bath time that they remember as children 
  • Healthy meals, nutritious food, and Pop-Tarts: Mom vs. Dad
  • While Dad let the girls eat in front of the TV, bought Pop-Tarts, and packed the girls fun lunches with cards, Mom preferred to feed the girls nutritious food. Mom makes a killer noodle casserole and Dad’s culinary creativity went a little too off the rails, sometimes.  
  • Fun activities with Dad and Mom 
  • Dad was the supportive, easy-going coach who brought snacks to the girls’ games and took them to the carnival. Mom did fun activities outdoors, bike rides, swimming, and crafts. Mom gets extra points for party planning!
  • Gift giving 
  • Dad gives very interesting gifts. 

[14:23] Personality Differences Between Mom and Dad

  • Dr. Lia, Elyse, and Julia talk about more differences between ‘Mom and Dad’ especially mentally and emotionally. Mom and Dad’s differences balanced each other out and in a way completed each other.  
  •  Dr. Lia talks about lessons learned in wanting to always rescue her girls from emotional discomfort right away.  

[20:32] Parenting Advice From the Adult ‘Children’

  • Dad’s Fashion Collection
  • Advice from Elyse and Julia on parenting 
  • Find your complement, not your clone
  • Try not to take it so seriously   
  • If you’re going to break the rules. talk to dad, not mom

 [24:17] Closing Segment

  • Final words from Dr. Lia 

Key Quotes:

“Find your compliment, not your clone. You need a little balance.” – Elyse Parzyck

“How about you do also like tie knots take it so seriously.” Julia Parzyck

“And I just want to reassure you not to worry too much about being perfect and that our kids are resilient. And if we have those safe, stable, nurturing relationships with adults and kids, we can get them through and be resilient. So trust yourself, do the best you can, and give yourself a break.” – Dr. Lia Gaggino

“Don’t take yourself too seriously, relax, and you get a lot of brownie points just for trying.” – Dr. Lia Gaggino

If you’d like to connect with me, you can find me at LinkedInFacebook, and Twitter or email me at [email protected]. To learn more about me visit https://www.medicalbhs.com/

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Dr Lia Gaggino

Dr. Lia Gaggino has worked as a pediatrician for over 30 years on the west side of Michigan. During her career as a primary care physician, she has been privileged to care for children and adolescents, and know that their success is closely tied to mental wellness.

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Dr. Lia Gaggino has worked as a pediatrician for over 30 years on the west side of Michigan. During her career as a primary care physician, she has been privileged to care for children and adolescents, and know that their success is closely tied to mental wellness.

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