175  Beyond Trauma:  Strengthening the Caregiver-Infant Dyad

175  Beyond Trauma:  Strengthening the Caregiver-Infant Dyad

Join  Dr. Lia Gaggino on Pediatric Meltdown in welcoming her guest, Dr. Ed Tronick. This episode unveils the transformative power of non-verbal communication between infants and caregivers, as explored through the lens of the 2-minute Still Face Experiment.

Discover how Dr. Tronick’s lifetime dedication to understanding these silent dialogues has reverberated, influencing fields as diverse as therapy and law enforcement. As they dive into the choreography of connection and disconnection between child and adult, you’ll gain an insight into how these foundational moments shape emotional health and interpersonal skills.

Find inspiration in the poignant discussion that explores the very heart of childhood development, and carries the promise of healthier futures through stronger relationships. Join us in acknowledging a legacy that continues to guide and inspire.


[00:33 -09:46] Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Infant Mental Health

  • Explaining the types of adverse experiences that can impact infant and early childhood development.
  • How chronic stress can disrupt neural pathways and affect a child’s emotional and physical health.
  • Strategies for caregivers to build resilience in infants facing adverse experiences.
  • The value of pediatricians in screening for ACEs and guiding caregivers to prevent toxic stress in infants.


[09:47 – 17:46]  Exploring the Still Face Experiment and Infant-Caregiver Bonding  

  • BSignificance of Early Interaction: How Caregiver Engagement Shapes Development
  • Repairing Broken Bonds: Responding to Infant Signals Post-Disruption
  • Decoding Infant-Caregiver Communication: Agency and Intent in Early Years
  • Strengthening Attachment: The Role of Positive Caregiver Behaviors in Secure Bond Formation


[17:47 – 27:59]Addressing ACEs and Toxic Stress in Early Childhood

  • Building a Supportive Network: The Critical Role of Pediatricians in ACEs Recognition
  • Empowering Caregiver Capacity: Tools for Mitigating Toxic Stress in Infancy
  • Resilience in the Wake of Adversity: Supporting Healthy Coping Mechanisms in Infants
  • Crafting a Secure Future: How Quality Infant-Caregiver Interactions Counteract Toxic Stress


[28:00 – 50:13] Advancing Development Through Caregiver-Infant Interaction Repair

  • The Dynamics of Emotional Recovery: Techniques for Reestablishing Secure Attachments
  • Encouraging Parental Agency: Empowering Caregivers in the Art of Interaction Repair
  • Breakthrough via Repair: The Crucial Role of Mending Disrupted Bonds in Infant Development
  • The Still Face Paradigm: Insights into Resilience and the Capacity for Relationship Repair


[50:14 – 56:31]  Closing segment Takeaway


Links to resources mentioned on the show

Still Face Experiment Video:

Love Sense: from Infant to Adult (Sue Johnson and Ed Tronick) (youtube.com)

National Institute of Health article:

A Still-face Paradigm for Young Children: 2½ Year-olds’ Reactions to Maternal Unavailability during the Still-face – PMC (nih.gov)


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Key quotes for Twitter:

“There are at least a couple of things you don’t do as a pediatrician. 1 is you don’t lecture. 2nd is you listen and respond in a way that’s related to what the parent is concerned with… Dr. Ed Tronick

“How does the newborn and then the young infant make meaning about the world that they’re in because meaning is the way one organizes one’s experience.”… Dr. Ed Tronick



Pediatric Meltdown was listed as a Top 20 Pediatric Podcast on FeedSpot.

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Beyond Trauma: Strengthening the Caregiver-Infant Dyad

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Dr Lia Gaggino

Dr. Lia Gaggino has worked as a pediatrician for over 30 years on the west side of Michigan. During her career as a primary care physician, she has been privileged to care for children and adolescents, and know that their success is closely tied to mental wellness.

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Dr. Lia Gaggino has worked as a pediatrician for over 30 years on the west side of Michigan. During her career as a primary care physician, she has been privileged to care for children and adolescents, and know that their success is closely tied to mental wellness.

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