187. New Challenges, New Directions: Designing Better Mental Health Systems

New Challenges, New Directions: Designing Better Mental Health Systems


Step into a world of innovation and growth as we delve into a special episode of Pediatric Meltdown, featuring our host, Dr. Lia Gaggino. The seasoned primary care pediatrician, takes the helm as she embarks on a new direction in her endeavors to enhance pediatric mental health care. In this solo episode, she shares insights and challenges listeners to join her in a transformative journey. 

She’ll ask you to embrace the call to action as she reveals her upcoming projects designed to revolutionize pediatric mental health care. Let this solo episode serve as a rallying cry for pediatric clinicians to rise to the challenges of children’s mental health. From insightful discussions with experts to the exciting new limited series podcast and companion workbook, she’s shaping the future of pediatric mental health care and empowering clinicians to take their practices to the next level. 

So I ask you….are you ready to level up your practice and be part of this transformative journey?


[00:01:24] Challenges in Pediatric Mental Health

  • Increasing demands on children’s mental health
  • Impact of social determinants of health
  • Rise of complex emotional issues such as cutting
  • Effects of social media on children’s mental health


[01:25 – 04:43Professional Growth and Mastery  

  • Importance of continuous learning and professional growth
  • Overcoming challenges in adolescent mental health
  • Evolution of mental health treatment approaches
  • Using integrated behavioral health for improved patient care


[04:44 – 10:23]  New Projects Announcement

  • Introduction to the limited series podcast: “Pediatric Mental Health: Building Better Workflows”
  • Details about the companion workbook accompanying the podcast
  • Opportunity for a 1 on 1 deep dive consultation
  • Sign-up for a discovery call to discuss pain points and strategies


[10:24 – 12:41]  Closing Remarks and Podcast Information 

  • Contact information for feedback and ideas for future podcasts
  • Website and social media links to stay connected
  • Gratitude for listeners and encouragement to share the episode
  • Special thanks to podcast contributors


Links to resources mentioned on the show

Lia’s Website:



Other episodes you may like:


  1. Social Media and Kids: The Big Picture
  2. ACES and the Power of Positive Relationships
  3. Burnout Prevention: A 15-Minute Game Changer


Key quotes for Twitter:

My first presentation was called mad, bad, and sad girls, and I should have thrown in glad because so many girls are happy too.”… Dr. Lia Gaggino on challenges in adolescent mental health

And for those of us who have been doing this work for a long time, mental health has always been an issue. But it seems like now more than ever, the kids and their families need us.” … Dr. Lia Gaggino on mental health crisis in youth



Pediatric Meltdown was listed as a Top 20 Pediatric Podcast on FeedSpot.

If you’d like to connect with me, you can Tap the “What Are Your Thoughts” button at the top of the notes or you can find me on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, or email me at [email protected]. To learn more about me visit https://www.pediatricmeltdown.com/

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New Challenges, New Directions

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Dr Lia Gaggino

Dr. Lia Gaggino has worked as a pediatrician for over 30 years on the west side of Michigan. During her career as a primary care physician, she has been privileged to care for children and adolescents, and know that their success is closely tied to mental wellness.

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Dr. Lia Gaggino has worked as a pediatrician for over 30 years on the west side of Michigan. During her career as a primary care physician, she has been privileged to care for children and adolescents, and know that their success is closely tied to mental wellness.

Recent Episodes

  • All Post
  • ADHD
  • Advocacy
  • Aggression and Disruptive Behaviors
  • Anxiety
  • Autism
  • Building Better Workflows
  • Depression
  • Genetics
  • healthcare disparities and inequalities
  • Medications
  • Mental Health
  • OCD
  • Other
  • Pain
  • Parent/child
  • Physician Well-Being
  • Schizophrenia
  • Sexual Trauma
  • Sleep
  • Social Media
  • Substance Abuse
  • Suicide Prevention
  • Trauma

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